Laboratory Facilities

Teaching of science is not like the teaching of other subjects because practical work is an essential element. Therefore, we have a well-equipped science laboratory where students can conduct experiments before going to the school. Experiment brings reality into science classrooms and promotes the development of powers of observation, measurement, prediction, interpretation, designing and decision making. For this reason, our college has the following fully fledged and equipped laboratories such as ICT/ Educational Technology Laboratory, Computer Laboratory, Psychology Laboratory, Science Laboratories and Language Laboratory
Psychology Laboratory
It has about 85 psychological tests (verbal, nonverbal, performance), personality inventory, projective techniques, creativity tests, Social-economic scale. Achievement and Achievement motivation Tests, study habit, social motional competency scale, social intelligence scale, Emotional intelligence scale, self-concept scale, and attitude scales etc. It has the following objectives:
1.To enable the student to understand the way of conducting psychological experiments.
2.To give practical experience to B.Ed. students with regard to some of the psychological concepts and principles.
3.To enable the B.Ed. students to apply scientifi c method for the solution of psychological problems in psychologylaboratory.
4.To give B.Ed. students living experience with regard to the conducting of psychological experiments in theirclassroom situation in future.
5.To apply the knowledge of various psychological experiments and tests in school situation.
6.To apply the psychological tests during research work.
Science Laboratory
Our College has separate laboratories for Biological Science and Physical Science. Our science laboratory provides adequate space for 30 students. It has a blackboard, a bulletin board, display tables, audio-visual aids, a science library. There is provision for hanging charts and pictures. There is a demonstration table. Our laboratory has adequate natural light with good ventilation. When our students work in the laboratory they have many opportunities for understanding the apparatus, materials, laboratory procedures, process of measurement, how to arrive at conditions and make generalizations and testing hypothesis, interpretation of data, process of inquiry and experimentation and the constituents of various skills and they can develop their skills related to practical work through laboratory experiences. It functions with the following objectives: prepare the instructional materials for teaching and learning Science prepare the teaching aids for teaching and learning Science undertake the projects reflecting the trends in Science education practice various methods of teaching such as cooperative learning, team teaching etc., For fulfilling these objectives, the following activities are undertaken by the teachers and students.
5.Discussion on the various aspects of the present curriculum among the student teachers and the teacher educator of this department is the moderator.
Mathematics Laboratory
It is working with the following objectives:
1.To prepare the instructional materials for the purpose of teaching and learning Mathematics.
2.To prepare the teaching aids for teaching and learning Mathematics.
3.To undertake projects refl ecting the trends in Mathematics education.
4.To practice various methods of teaching such as cooperative learning, team teaching etc., For fulfi lling theseobjectives, the following activities are undertaken by the teachers and students:
5.Discussion on various aspects of the present curriculum among the student- teachers and the teacher educator ofthis department is the moderator. 6.Here we conduct student seminars, debates, symposiums on various topics of the school syllabus.
7.Conducting demonstration classes for the student teachers. 8.Preparing in using audio-visual materials
9.Here we organize guest lectures for the student teachers.
1.Language Laboratory:
Good pronunciation makes a good communicator. Therefore this College is equipped with a fine language laboratory. Students can perceive the sounds of different phonetic symbols and hear them distinctly. It helps them develop their pronunciation, accent and intonation. Every student has provision to stop, rewind and replay the tape at any time. The students can work at their own place. He/ She can select the materials freely and the teacher can listen to individual students without disturbing the others. The teacher can communicate with the students and also control the programme when she/he so desires. Using this laboratory, we are developing the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing of both vernacular and English language of our students.
2.ICT/ Educational Technology Laboratory:
It is equipped with LCD/DLP projector, Over Head Projectors, Computers, Television with DTH and various Audio-Visual Equipment, CDs. It creates awareness and application of available modern technological gadgets into the field of education and into the daily classroom.
3.Computer Laboratory:
It is equipped with 25 computers with high configuration and availability of internet connection. It provides knowledge to the students about computer and its uses.
4.Teaching Aid Laboratory:
Teaching aids play an important role in the field of education. If these teaching aids are properly used, process of education will be very effective, meaningful and an interesting one. Without the use of teaching aids teaching will be incomplete. Teaching aids give direct experience to the students. Simultaneously, the preparation of teaching aids imparts the skills of creativity, imagination, thinking, planning, execution and other physical skills and also develops the behaviour of patience, tolerance, peace of mind etc.