Infrastructure Facilities

                            The College is spread across 4.03 acres of land in the heart of Kadamboduvalvu. It has 2 buildings viz. Main building, which houses a Principal’s office and Administrative office, Auditorium, AV room, Central Instrumentation Facility, Computer labs, Pedagogical departments, Classrooms, Staffroom etc. The Annexure building has few Classrooms, Psychology ,Science Lab. The sports ground adjacent to the college building is used for outdoor activities. The campus has sufficient leisure space for students. Surveillance Cameras are installed in the campus for security and safety of the students and staff.

Teaching Learning Facilities

Classrooms: The classrooms are quite spacious, well light and ventilated. All the classrooms are equipped with mike, LCD projector & have provision for the Internet connection.

College Office

Office administrative staffs are actively presence in the college from 09.00am to 05.30hrs. Well equipped WIFI connection, High configured Systems, Xerox, Printing machines are available in the office.


Hostel facilities may be provided on request. A well furnished women’s hostel is provided with boarding facilities catering tothe needs of the women students who are accommodated in hostel blocks. Non-vegetarian mess is attached with thehostels.


The College canteen provides meals, snacks, coffee, cool drinks, etc at reasonable rates for students who desire suchrefreshments. Students can buy food, soft drinks and snacks from the canteen. The students are not allowed to use thecanteen during class hours.

Extra-Curricular Activities

We are giving more importance to extra-curricular activities such as Music, Dance and Arts & Crafts.